Monday, August 2, 2010

Another RV Idea

Ok, here I am in Florida, thinking of my future and surfing RV blogs. I dreamed of getting new Tee Shirts at Mountain Nature & Wild Bird Supply and how to market them. Kinda sad to think that is what my dreams are about. My waking hours are still of more freedom and an RV. Need to figure out how to get rid of a lot of stuff, my sawmill, wood splitter, business and land investments or turn them into income for the future, a future where I don't have to BE THERE to make a living. I have read some RVers live on about $1,600 a month. Don't think that is possible but, maybe. The dream, to have an RV and travel while still having something to come back to, looms still in my mind. That may be possible or maybe that will change when I actually get on the road, who knows? I may not need my "tools" if I am on the road doing my thing.

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